Monday, June 19, 2006

did I say that out loud?

OK, maybe shit-eating weasel was a bit harsh. David Harsent never did anything to annoy me apart from being a bit boring. Blake Morrison blighted my undergraduate years with his stultifying Anthology of Contemporary British Poetry, but that was in the 80's and I'm over it now. But am I wrong about Motion, his co-editor? Am I? Well, am I?

I'm thinking about poetry podcasting. I mean, that could work couldn't it? There're loads of recordings available now all over the place, and with a bit of judicious, y'know, talking and that, I reckon it could be fun. I'll look into it.

I was really enjoying reading Marianne Moore and then I started to notice how many of her poems were about animals, and that made me think of D H Lawrence, and I'm afraid I've got an irrational dislike of Lawrence, and now I'm not enjoying it so much. This dislike goes back to being taught Women In Love for 'A' level. All that queasy sexual ripeness, Lawrence's Robin-Cooky-Likey pinched little face, his why-can't-I-be-like-the-animals/mexicans/bigger boys whining, all played against a stifling classroom full of 17 year olds fermenting their various exudates, together left a nasty scab on my brain right by the D H Lawrence lobe. So, sorry Miss Moore. I'll try and concentrate.

I think it's a good idea. If you need any studio time I'd be glad to help.
Thanks Jon. We're going to get a shiny (glossy) new MacBook any day now, so I think it's finally time for me Learn Things Properly. However I say this every time I buy anything, so I may well hit you for help. Cheers. Maybe see you at the Lambeth Show, eh?
15 July. Carol and I wil be 'at home' in the evening. It would be lovely to see you.
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